Sleeping in a recliner is beneficial, but some people ask that is sleeping in a recliner bad for your heart. If you are also looking for the answer to this question, you are in the right spot because, in this article, you will get it in proper detail.
Most people use recliners almost all the time and use them for Sleeping, but some think sleeping in a recliner is bad for your heart. Well, it’s not bad for your heart unless you have a heart problem or a serious heart condition. There is a risk of increasing it while using the recliner.
It’s not mean that you should not use a recliner at all. The recliner is a very healthy piece of furniture, and it has a lot of benefits. Below we have defined its benefits, so let’s dive into this.
Is Sleeping in a Recliner bad for your Heart? Let’s Dive Inside:
Well, it’s not bad for your heart, but if you have a heart condition like blood pressure and other conditions like that, then you should not use a recliner all the time to sleep in because it’s suitable for your heart.
Sitting and sleeping for a long time can compress the blood vessels that affect your blood circulation, leading to heart problems. It would help if you prevented sitting and sleeping for prolonged hours.
According to physicians, it is not wise to sleep in a recliner very often if you have some heart condition, but it doesn’t mean you should use a recliner. Sleeping and sitting in a recliner is okay for a normal person, and it has a lot of benefits of sleeping in a recliner. Below are some of the best benefits of sleeping in a recliner, so let’s get to it without wasting any time.
Also Read: Check out Latest Guide about Pros and Cons of Sleeping in a Recliner:
Increase Blood Circulation:
Sitting for a long time or walking all day can cause a blood rush in your body, especially in your legs. So, sitting and sleeping in a recliner can relieve most of the pressure and make you enjoy a good night’s sleep. Read more about recliner usage for blood circulation here.
Whenever you sleep in a recliner, you need to elevate your legs above your heart level, which not only keeps your heart in good health but also improves blood circulation, which is why you need Recliners that elevate feet above the heart. Keeping your legs above your heart level will reduce the stress level from your heart and inflammation.
Blood circulation is directly connected to your heart condition. Blood circulation is good only when the heart is in good condition.

Relief from Back Pain:
Back pain is a very common thing and especially for elders. Everybody in their life had to face back pain. The back-core muscles cause back pain, weakening from the upper body’s force.
You can get relief from back pain only when you elevate your legs. It also provides relaxation for your legs. Sleeping in a recliner with elevated legs can send blood to your back muscles, and that helps them to heal from time to time and become stronger. Read more about top-rated recliners for back pain like sciatica here.
Sleeping in a recliner also provides rest to that muscle which makes it time to heal itself and stay healthy.
So if you are an older person then must read our latest blog about best-sleeping recliners for seniors here.
Making Breath Easier:
Sleeping in a recliner has a lot of health benefits, and one of them is sleeping. Sleeping in a recliner makes breathing easier than in bed. If you sleep on a flatbed, you may have a chance of sleep apnea, acid burns, heart burns, and many diseases like that. But sleeping in a recliner can prevent you from these conditions.
Sufferers of heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD find relief in their recliner because Sleeping in an upright position allows gravity to keep stomach acid down.
You’ll get a full night’s sleep by breathing easier and keeping your stomach acid where it’s supposed to be.
Calm Nerves:
Sitting and sleeping in a recliner keeps our nerves calm and makes us comfortable. Sleeping in a recliner can give your nerves time to heal and take a break.
Another study shows that sitting and sleeping, especially in a recliner, can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 40% and the risk of getting a stroke by 25%. Also read more about recliners best for sleep apnea conditions.
Is it bad to Sleep in a Recliner Every Night?
If you use a recliner for the short term, it means that you sleep in a recliner for a short time, then it’s not bad and doesn’t have any effect on your body.
But if you sleep in a recliner for a long time, it may cause contractures in your knee and hips, which result in tightening the muscles in your joints and around them.
Does Sleeping in a Recliner Affect Blood Pressure?
Sleeping in a recliner for a long time may result in hunching in your upper body, obstructing airflow to your lungs. This can be a leading cause of sleep apnea, leading to high blood pressure.
Recliner usage is okay, but you have to be careful about these things.
Why do the Elderly Sleep in a Recliner?
Most elders have conditions like heartburn, acid reflux, and sleep apnea, for which a recliner is suitable for use. The recliner prevents people and especially elders, from a condition like this.
Ending Points:
Sleeping in a recliner is good for your health if you do it properly. Some people consider sleeping in a recliner bad for your heart, but it’s not bad unless you have a heart condition.
I hope this article answers your question about whether sleeping in a recliner is bad for your heart. If you have questions like how to make feet above the heart recliner, then ask them in the comment section, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.