How to Put a Swivel Base on a Lazy Boy Recliner

How to Put a Swivel Base on a Lazy Boy Recliner? 8 Easy Steps to Follow

Knowing how to put a swivel base on a Lazy Boy recliner could be difficult for a newbie, but we have made it simple in this guide. Follow along to learn it in a breeze. A recliner with a swivel base will perfectly blend with the furniture of your house.

This feature allows you to move around in your chair quickly and makes relaxing much more comfortable. You can learn how to install swivel base on lazy boy recliner, making it the ultimate piece of furniture for your home.

The main advantage of a swivel recliner is that you don’t have to move the entire chair whenever you want to turn around. With a regular recliner, you have to pick up the whole thing and move it from one side of the room to the other.

But with a swivel base, you have to twist your body left or right, and the chair will follow. Removing a swivel base from the recliner will save you effort and time. 

To carry out the removal process, you must have some tools such as a screwdriver, gloves, and a helping hand. With the instructions in the sequence, we have made it easy for you to execute each step in a pattern.

No matter your reasons or problems for wanting to do this, we will help you get it done quickly and easily. So let’s get started.

Steps of How to Put a Swivel Base on a Lazy Boy Recliner:

Turn the Recliner upside down: 

To avoid stress and keep your work area clean, it’s best to use a sheet when installing your chair. Turn the chair onto the tarp so you can see the base mechanisms. You might need some help with this.

Detach the Coverings:

You can only proceed with installation, replacement, or repair once you expose the chair mechanism. This can be done by removing any detachable coverings and using your hand, claw hammer, or screwdriver to loosen any screws or nuts.

Locate the Screws:

Find the screws on the bottom of your recliner. These are usually near the center and are relatively easy to find. If you can’t find them, they were already removed when this base was installed.

Detach the Screws:

You can easily take the old swivel base off your lazy boy recliner by loosening and removing all of the screws on the bottom side of your chair. Begin with the closest to you and work towards those farther away.

You can take this piece with the minimum effort you put in. This will make the lazy boy swivel base kit replacement much more convenient. 

Detach the Base:

If you desire to replace your swivel base, follow these instructions. First, spin the chair’s base until the holes on the swivel base align with those on the main chair base. Then unscrew the former to reveal another mechanism beneath.

Screw the Head Cap: 

Now it’s time to take your new recliner for a test drive. But first, you need to screw the head cap of the swivel base onto the headboard. The number of screws required will depend on how many holes are in the base.

These screws are essential in keeping your recliner stable, so make sure they’re tight. You’ll also want to measure and decide on the height of your recliner from floor level before sitting down. 

Swivel Base Attachment: 

You’re almost there! The last step is to attach the base of the swivel to the recliner using the tools. Installing the swivel base into your lazy boy recliner is straightforward. While this part isn’t tricky,

You’ll need some screws and bolts to secure the base. Be confident to screw them in tightly so they don’t come loose.

Important Notes:

You will be required to take care of your new swivel base recliner so it will last for years. Be sure to know what material your recliner is made from before you start cleaning or caring for it, as each type requires different methods. Taking good care of your recliner now will pay off in the long run.

A clean and dry cloth is vital to clean a metal swivel base on your recliner. However, if your swivel base is made of plastic, you can vacuum it regularly to remove all the dust accumulated on the surface.

As for leather swivels, they require professional cleaning as using water or any other cleaning agent may damage their delicate texture.

Why Should a Swivel Base on my Lazyboy Recliner?

Having a swivel base on your chair is much more convenient than twisting your body awkwardly whenever you want to turn around. This issue is minute, but it changes your experience in comfort and ease of use.

What are the charges for Installing a Swivel Base?

The average price of installing a swivel base for a recliner is between $250 and $400. This includes labor costs and all materials necessary to complete the job.

Although this is more expensive than purchasing it, you can be assured that the installation fee covers everything needed for a successful installation.

Ending Points:

If you’re wondering how to put a swivel base on a lazyboy recliner, the article above has your answer. Upgrading to a swivel base recliner will make life much more accessible and improve overall comfort.

Take advantage of it – act now! If you’re wondering how to put a swivel base on a lazyboy recliner, the article above has your answer. Upgrading to a swivel base recliner will make life much more accessible and improve overall comfort. 

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