Are Recliners Bad for Leg Circulation

Are Recliners Bad for Leg Circulation? Tips and Exercises (Quick Guide)

A big problem is raised in our society of leg circulation, and people ask, “are recliners bad for leg circulation? The answer is quite simple, with many reasons to use or not use a recliner for leg circulation.

The flow of blood is essential for our whole body if it is for the upper or lower parts of the body. The circulation of blood is essential because it supplies nutrients and oxygen to tissues which are better explained by WebMD.

It is important to rest on a recliner after a hard working day. Still, it is not important to sit or lay on a recliner for a long time without mobility because it will put pressure on your body and automatically decrease your blood flow.

When blood flow in the legs decreases, it will decrease your metabolic activities, so the above answer does not complete the query that ‘are recliners bad for your legs’? Let’s read more about this critical question below.

Are Recliners Bad for Leg Circulation? Let’s Dive Inside:

A recliner is a comfortable chair with an adjustable back and footrest to improve blood circulation and give different positions while reclining. The best blood circulation in the legs is only due to proper sitting or lying.

Most people have problems standing or walking for a long time and get pressured, so doctors and physical therapists frequently recommend relaxing on recliners with an elevated position.

This elevated position can be gained only when you slightly raise your legs above the heart level, and your legs feel light, so the pressure on your legs will automatically decrease, which is a sign of better blood circulation in the legs. Check here for top recliners for Heart Surgery Patients.

Advantages of the Elevated Position of Legs

There are some advantages of the elevated position of the legs, which you hardly know for blood circulation and body health.

1- Leg muscles improvement

The proper elevated position in a recliner can improve blood circulation in the legs, directly decreasing the weakness of leg muscles and relaxing your legs. Moreover, this process can also decrease the sign and symptoms of itching.

2- Reduce Swelling

When you get elevated on a recliner at the same position mentioned above, your blood will flow faster than average in your legs. However, this process will reduce your legs’ swelling and increase fluid circulation.

3- Effect on the Nervous System

This position or angle has a good effect on the nervous system; when you get elevated, blood circulation will increase. This circulation and regular breathing calm your nervous system, making you feel comfortable and relaxed.

Check Also: Top Rated Recliners for Edema Patients; Check it out:

4- Reduce Stress

Blood circulation has a high effect on body stress because when you relax, your blood circulation will be average which directly affects body stress, which means you will be normal and vice versa. 

On the other hand, continuously sleeping in a recliner for many hours without involving in recliner back exercises may cause leg swelling and circulatory issues. This issue does not complete the answer to ‘is sitting in a recliner bad for your legs.’

This issue can be better explained by this proverb, ‘drinking too much water can kill,’ which means that everything will be dangerous for your health if you cross the limit. Even if it is water or a recliner, it will cause problems for you.

Tips and Exercises for Good Circulation

Some tips and exercises will support your blood circulation and improve your health and fitness.

1- Walking, Jogging or Running

There are many exercises for body health and blood circulation but walking, jogging, or running is one of the best for leg circulation. This exercise boosts your energy to an extreme level and helps you to maintain good health.

Some limits are there for this exercise like, if you want to;

· Walk, limit is 30 to 40 minutes

· Jogging, limit is 15 to 25 minutes

· Running, limit is 10 to 15 minutes

These limits are enough for an ordinary person, but it is up to you, your stamina, and how much you can exercise.

2- Elevating Legs in a Recliner

As mentioned above, elevation is one of the best techniques for bad leg circulation. This technique will relax your legs and also improve your muscles. Be careful about the limited position of elevated legs, as mentioned above.

3- Sitting and Standing Slowly on a Recliner

The circulation of blood also decreases by quick sitting and standing, due to which you will feel light and dizzy. So, avoid quick sitting or standing on a recliner and be aware of improper blood circulation due to this activity.

4- Improvement in Diet and Dietary Supplements

Diet and dietary supplements are the essential keys to improving the health and blood circulation of the body. Eat vitamin-rich supplements, fresh fruits, and vegetables for a strong body and muscle improvement, which significantly affects leg circulation.

Take some blackberry, oily fish, garlic, ginger, and spinach which are rich in vitamins and can improve your bad leg circulation.

5- Development through Massage

You can develop the body and improve blood circulation with massage features, physically or through a machine. The best massage is available in a massage recliner with a lumbar heater that supports your whole body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Sit in a Recliner cause Blood Clots?

No, a recliner does not cause blood clots in your body while sleeping or sitting. The prolonged sitting with a bent arm and foot on a recliner without any movement may cause lamb clots which are biologically called thrombosis.

Why do my feet go Numb when I Sit in a Recliner?

Blood circulation carries essential nutrients and oxygen to fulfil the body’s requirements. But sitting in a recliner for a long time without any motion slows the flow of blood circulation in the legs and causes numbness in the feet.


This discussion was about a simple query ‘are recliners bad for leg circulation? Here we have discussed all points about leg circulation, like using a recliner, different exercises, and tips for better blood circulation.

So I hope your query ends here because I have mentioned all the solutions, whether it is related to elevated positions, long time sleeping without movement, exercises, or diets.

Now you have any kind of query related to the recliner, ask me through the comment section, or it will be available on my home screen.

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