sleeping in a recliner vs bed

Sleeping in a Recliner Vs. Bed | Make Your Selection Easy after Reading the Guide

If you own a recliner, you will want to compare the experience of sleeping in a recliner vs bed. Well, your curiosity is valid and must be answered in detail. In this article, we will inform you about the intricate details of the difference between sleeping in a recliner and sleeping in a bed.

Both the recliner and the bed have pros and cons, and therefore you can benefit from them if you take care of specific measurements. 

Most people ask, “Is sleeping sitting up bad for you?” Well, it depends on how much time you spend in that position and knowing which furniture suits your posture. If you want a recliner for quality sleep, first look for a spacious model so you have plenty of room to get comfortable. Second, choose a strong and supportive frame and a comfortable cushion. 

Consider opting for additional features like lumbar support or an adjustable headrest that can improve your sleeping experience. And, If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, why not try trading in your traditional bed for sleeping sitting down in a recliner?

Even doctors suggest that patients suffering from various health issues give lift chair recliners a try. If you conduct good research, you will definitely find yourself a perfect match for your needs. To discuss this issue, we have a much wider explanation below. Let’s have a look. 

Sleeping in Rcliner vs. Bed: 

Why sleeping in a recliner is better than sleeping in a bed:

To keep your body healthy, you must have good blood circulation and get enough restorative sleep. Additionally, it’s beneficial for heart health – aiding those who already have heart conditions and reducing the risk of developing them.

However, there is one time when you should avoid using a recliner: during nighttime feedings if you’re tired, as there is an increased risk of accidental injury or death for the newborn.

So, ensure you’re sleeping on a plain bed without any blankets or pillows nearby to reduce the risk of diseases. You can also ask your doctor, “Is sitting in a recliner bad for you?” and decide after a thorough examination. 

Benefits of Sleeping in a Recliner: 

There are numerous benefits of sleeping in a recliner which we explain elaborately in these headings. 

Relief from Heartburn: 

If you’re suffering from heartburn, it’s likely because your stomach acid is leaking into your esophagus. This can happen when the barrier between the two isn’t fully closed off, which allows acid to seep through and cause that burning sensation.

However, if you sleep vertically (on your back or upright), gravity will keep the acid where it belongs – in your stomach – so you can get much-needed relief.

Improves Blood Circulation:

If you don’t want to end up with a host of health problems, it’s time to start paying attention to how much you’re sitting. Not only that, but it can also cause circulation problems in your legs which could lead to dangerous blood clots or swelling.

So if you care about your health, make sure you take breaks throughout the day to move around – your heart and legs will thank you for it!

Also Read: Is Recliner Sleeping the main Cause of Blood Clots?

Make Breathing Better:

Sleeping in an elevated position is an excellent option if you’re looking for a way to reduce or eliminate snoring and sleep apnea. By preventing your airways from being compressed, you’ll be able to breathe more easily and get the restful night’s sleep you deserve.

Some doctors even recommend sleeping in recliners – especially ones designed to be “zero gravity” chairs – which can help alleviate sleep issues further. You can also check the best recliners for sleep apnea patients whcih can resolve the sleep apnea issue to make your life full of joy.

Measures to take before Sleeping in a Recliner: 

1. If you want to sleep in a recliner without getting tightness and soreness in your knees, hips, and back, you should stretch regularly – ideally before bedtime.

2. Make sure your back is supported while sleeping in a recliner by using an ergonomic pillow or rolled-up towels under your lower back. This will help prevent upper body pain.

3 To get the best sleep possible when sleeping in a recliner, follow similar routines to what you would do if going to bed – like brushing your teeth and turning down the lights. Additionally, try to make the room as dark and quiet as possible for optimal deep sleep conditions.

4 Keep track of how well-rested you feel after sleeping in a recliner by tracking your hours of deep sleep with wearable tech or an app on your phone.

Is it ok to Sleep in a Recliner every night?

If you need to improve your sleeping posture due to heartburn, back pain, or sleep apnea, then a recliner may be recommended by some doctors to sleep in a recliner every night. Pregnant women can also find benefits in using a recliner for better rest.

Does Sleeping in a Recliner help with Back Pain? 

You will feel an immediate relief in tension from your back and spine by reclining your body while you sleep. Additionally, the healing and strengthening of your core muscles will be supported.

Where should your head rest on a Recliner?

The most common reason behind your neck pain is that the length of your recliner’s back is not according to your height. This causes the head cushion to push your head forward, leading to discomfort without you even realizing it.

Make sure your neck is in a natural position by adjusting the back of the recliner so that only the headrest touches the back of your head.


I am sure you will know the difference between sleeping in a recliner and a bed. We have answered the question “is it bad to sleep sitting down? “elaborately. As mentioned in this article, sleeping in a recliner is comparatively better than sleeping in a bed if you take proper measurements.

Please ask in the comment section if you have further questions about the topic. You can also find more articles on recliner issues on our website. Also, If you are looking for the best recliners, you will find them easily. Thanks again for the time, and hopefully, you will visit again. 

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